Steam Traps Monitoring Equipment > Gestra Steam

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Gestra Steam

Steam Traps Monitoring Equipment

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Faulty steam traps are a major source of waste in a steam distribution system. A trap that is blowing live steam is the worst offender, but traps that are plugged or stuck closed can also be costly. The decreased plant efficiency due to loss of energy and additional make-up water results in lost production.

Steam traps can be tested during operation by using sightglasses, ultrasonic detectors or level meters.


Gestra Sightglasses, Vaposcopes Type VK 14 PN16, VK 16 PN40 DN15(1/2") - DN50(2")

The GESTRA Vaposcope is a sight flow indicator specially designed for monitoring flow conditions in pipelines. If installed upstream of steam traps the Vaposcope can be used for checking the traps for steam loss or for banking-up of condensate.

Gestra Level meters for constant steam trap supervision

Use conductivity to monitor steam trap performance. A test chamber with an integral level electrode is installed upstream of the trap to detect any defective steam trap. The corresponding output signal is displayed by the Remote Test Unit NRA 1-3x (remote monitoring). The system VKE can monitor all types and makes of steam traps to detect loss of live steam. The correct operation of RHOMBUSline steam traps type BK 45/46, MK 45, UBK 46 can be verified by using the compact-type level probes NRG 16-19, NRG 16-27 and NRG 16-28. The test station NRA 1-3x will evaluate the data coming from the system VKE.


Gestra Ultrasonic detector

Detects the sound produced by steam flowing through the traps. Depending on the test system used the sound sensed by the device is either graphically represented in the form of a curve (VKP 40plus) or indicated by the deflection on the scale of a meter (VKP 10). Ex-plosion proof version is available